Digital presentations by Dr Robert Fagan     Click the web link with your mouse to activate.  In some YouTube presentations you may need to  restart the presentation from the beginning. 


The Geology of the Earth's Climate - Past. Present & Future. - suitable for senior high school level & upwards  audience.
A You Tube  version of a  A Narrated PowerPoint presentation by Dr Robert Fagan, (length 60 minutes).
Web Link:

Regional Wrap Episode 12:   "What Geology reveals about Earth’s Climate"  Dr Robert Fagan, 2021- YouTube  Part 1
Web link:   Length about 60 minutes. A general look at what geology says about climate and atmospheric history and evolution over 4 billion years of the Earth's geological history.

 Regional Wrap Episode13:   "What Geology reveals about Earths Climate"   Dr Robert Fagan, 2021  - YouTube   Part 2  

Web link:  Length about 90 minutes. What geology says more specifically about global warming, climate drivers, and climate change over the last 2 million years. A more detailed examination of modern climate change in the modern era from the Pleistocene to the present geological and climate perspective.

Digital presentations from other sources 

There are now an almost infinite number of useful and informative digital presentations, videos and debates presented that can be accessed from the internet. Listed below are are a number of these with digital links provided. The views expressed are those of the presenters and generally cover the alternative interpretation(s), to the prevailing climate alarmist view.

The web link below is to a very disturbing video describing fraudulent manipulation of climate graph data, by climate scientists, to give very misleading representations through the careful manipulation of selective data ranges, cherry picking and selective editing.

Michael Moore Presents: "Planet of the Human's"  (1 hour 40 minutes). A serious critique of renewable energy. via 


This is not a general critique of the global warming debate in that it does not address man-made warming and  CO2 as a climate driver, but rather focuses on the attention given renewable energy.

(1a) Dr Patrick Moore  2019 Presentation 

(an excellent detailed up to date presentation and overview of all the main issues,  duration 90 minutes)

Dr. Patrick Moore has been a leader in the international environmental field for over 40 years and a founding member of Green Peace. He is a policy adviser to The Heartland Institute and is now a major advocate for alternate climate views and frequent contributor to congressional and other major governmental panels on climate change. Although 90 minutes in length, this is an easy to follow, excellent presentation of the range of present day climate issues, including the little understood and virtually ignored concerns over rapidly decreasing atmospheric CO2 levels and the likely effects on plants, agriculture and all life. This is a virtual one stop shop for easy to follow, basic information and explanation on climate change and is a really must see presentation, particularly the second half.

Video link:                                   Patrick Moore - The Power of Truth  2019

For more from Dr Patrick Moore access his web site: 

For a recent brief summary of Patrick Moore's views on climate science open the following link:



(1b) Joanna Nova - a well known former alarmist now a prominent skeptic & climate commentator. A 40 minute interview into the reasons for her conversion. Well worth a look.

           Web link:   

 (1c)  Dr Don Easterbrook Emeritus Prof Geology UWA. Evidence to Senate Energy, Environments & Telecomunications Committee    "Global Warming Is A Blatant Lie & This video scientifically proves it".  (1 hr :29 min. 540,000 views).   

    Web link:

 (1d)  The Dearth of Carbon  Dr Patrick Moore .  (23:29 minutes).   

Patrick Moore discusses the serious decrease in atmospheric CO2 and the serious threat it offers to all life on Earth. In only a very few million years life on Earth will begin to die because of a lack of CO2. A threat more real and threatening to life on Earth than the completely non-existent threat from increasing atmospheric CO2. The concentration on CO2 as the major global climate problem, is itself the major global problem that threatens the economic and social welfare of the planet. All the hugely costly and disruptive proposed solutions to climate concerns involved in reducing atmospheric CO2 will be a complete failure and achieve nothing at ruinous cost as CO2 is not involved. These include CO2 mitigation, all renewable energy transformation schemes, banning the mining and use of coal and fossil fuels, turning away from fossil fuels in energy and electricity production, transferring wealth from productive industries and countries.   

 Web link: 


(2)   The Soho Forum Debate: Is Carbon Dioxide Endangering the Planet?  Craig Idso vs Jeffery Bennett.    May 2019. 

To activate this video link, place mouse in the text below and click.

WEb link:   

(3A)    Dr Bob Carter   videos

A number of the late Dr Carter"s excellent videos can be accessed by opening the following link, and selecting any of several other Carter video links of interest.


(3B)    TED Talk from Michael Shellenberger

Interesting 15 min. TED Talk from Michael Shellenberger. Environmentalist who started the drive to renewables, influencing Obama to fund renewables . He has had a change of heart and recognises current problems and concerns. 

(4)    Alan Jones  & Prof Nils-Axel Morner  -  interview and                           video  (2019).

Video link:

(5)    Prof Nils-Axel Morner videos. 

Dr. Nils-Axel Morner - Geologist and sea level specialist

“The mechanism of climate change has absolutely nothing to do with the increasing CO2, but is primarily driven by the sun.  We don't need CO2 mitigation, especially putting money in fighting CO2. Climate change is happening, but is natural with ups an downs.

Video link:

(6) Robert Fagan climate debate Twitter Activity

77 Following, 2800 Followers.  As at last update over 4400 Climate Tweets.
@fagandr1: Geologist, geochemist, climate researcher & climate change sceptic.

Follow twitter feeds by typing @fagandr1  into our web browser.


A huge range of useful web sites containing articles, explanations, arguments, data sets, video links, regular climate change debate updates and discussions, are available through any digital search engine with carefully tailored queries. Google is an obvious starting point, with queries like: "CO2 influence on global vegetation"

Some useful starting points in web browsers are:  

 Tony Heller 

A very extensive & comprehensive range of very informative YouTube video presentations on climate & covid-19  virus & other related issues accessible form this web link:  

 Some Failed Climate Predictions

A very long list of failed climate predictions.


The Rise and fall of the Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climate Change  (2019).

A 45 minute interview with Dr Rex Fleming discussing the history of the CO2 theory, the man-made climate change debate, climate science research  and alternative theories:
Dr. Rex Fleming - YouTube
   45 minutes   Web link: 

International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC13 2019) Conference talks & Presentations

A series of very good presentations on alternative to human induced CO2 caused climate change.

Web link:

A ranking of the top 1000 published proclimate warming cimate scientists (~2022) 

The Solar Climate Link and its role in Understanding of 20th Centry Climate Change. 

A very interesting paper on solar input changes and climate. 

Nir Shaviv, ICCC13 (Panel 1: Scientific Observations) 


A series of more digital, video & U-tube files on the climate issue.

Malcolm Roberts, Tony Hellyer, Tim Ball at Parliament House Canberra 14/01/2020.

Patrick Moore