The existing global climate theory, that CO2 acts as a climate driver, is not in agreement with the known global climate history preserved in the geological climate record. If theory & observation were in perfect agreement, we would all be convinced of CO2's relevance & the theories veracity. Fact & theory would be in agreement & climate science would be able to provide convincing factual  evidence supporting their  theory. That is how science is meant  to work.

If however fact & theory seriously disagree, as in this case, this casts serious doubt on the theory & strongly suggests that CO2  cannot be the climate driver. Why has climate science failed to acknowledged this serious failure of their  theory? The geological sciences continue to offer the strongest opposition to climate change.  

This web site dates from February 2019.      WEB SITE LAST UPDATED:  26/03/2023 

This site has had over some 200 visits in the last month. 


Dr Fagan has been a geologist for over 50 years, and until retirement in 2011, lecturing in all aspects of geology, most recently at Curtin University in Perth. Dr Fagan has a PhD in geology and geochemistry and has a solid background in the geology of most parts of Australia and New Zealand and is the author of numerous technical papers, articles, and books (including a first year university digital textbook in geology, "Understanding Geology"  available for digital download  via the website: ).  Dr Fagan has also run extensive courses on various aspects of geology, geochemistry and exploration geoscience.  

Dr Fagan developed a particular professional scientific interest in the Earth's climate history and climate science in the early 1990's as a result of preparing environmental geology, earth history, global tectonics and tectonophysics courses at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. The history of the Earth's climate over all of geological time is well understood in geology, but seems to have been completely ignored in the climate sciences other than for the very recent Pleistocene glacial period, from which we are still emerging.  It seems only a matter of time before a much wider acceptance of the Earth's complete climate history, particularly in the climate sciences, completely demolishes the prevailing view of climate change, warming, and the role of atmospheric CO2 in climate processes.  

The purpose of this web site is to summarize some of the scientific background, evidence, and supporting argument in general layman's term in order to counter the present catastrophist view of both global warming, and atmospheric CO2.

Dr Fagan is a regular on
Twitter:    @fagandr1     and has over 3600 followers & has posted over 5000 Tweets mainly on climate debate issues.

The evidence from the geological past, right up to the present, indicates that mild global warming is happening, with temperatures returning to the longer-term global normal, slightly warmer equilibrium condition that existed throughout nearly all of geological time, almost right up to the present, offering no existential threat,  requiring no intervention by man, and not involving any significant contribution from atmospheric CO2.

Climate science has failed to understand and fix the problem of climate change because there is no problem. Modelling, diagnosing, theorizing, explaining or fixing  a problem does not work when there is no problem in the first place. That climate science does not understand that there is no climate problem is the real concern. How do we know there is no problem? Because the geological temperature and CO2 evidence recorded in the rock and ice record over the last million of years is very clear. It shows warming is cyclical (at least a dozen repeated cycles), is unrelated to atmospheric CO2,  and non-threatening, reflecting normal inter-glacial warming behaviour. Even well before recent times the Earth's climate and atmospheric history going back billions of years (outside of occasional glacial episodes) is one of stability and regularity, and several degrees warmer than the present inter-glacial temperatures. 



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